Jan 31, 2024

Kaiserliche Wagenburg Wien - The Imperial Carriage Museum Vienna

Recently I was gifted an annual pass of Kunst Historisches Museum. This pass not only allows me to visit this museum daily for 365 day a year but also to 5 other museums in Vienna and Schloss Ambrass Innsbruck. The museums are Kaiserliche Schatzkammer Wien, Kaiserliche Wagenburg Wien, Theater Museum, Welt Museum Wien, and Thesus Tempel Wien. And right now I‘m sharing a little bit about Kaiserliche Wagenburg Wien, also known as The Imperial Carriage Museum. 

This museum is an interesting place to visit if you are keen to know more about the Habsburg family, especially if you want to learn how they traveled to other cities because we all know that they loved to travel.

The Imperial Carriage

You will not only find the collection of their magnificent vehicles, but also the exquisite items of clothing of the Habsburgs, as well as the paintings from the era. 

The uniform of the royal household

Every carriage in this museum has a story of their functions and how they were used by the imperial family

The last carriage used by Empress Elisabeth in Geneva before she was assasinated

Black Hearse for the funeral

Seeing the collection of this museum, I was in awe with how majestic and beautiful the carriages are. The artistic details carved and painted on each carriage really made them all look glamorous and elegant.

Compared to Kunst Historisches Museum, Kaiserliche Wagenburg Wien is smaller, but yet still spacious enough. You can see all the collection in less than an hour.

Located in the Schönbrunn estate, the museum is easier to reach from the main gate, especially if you get off from U4 Schönbrunn. Just walk toward the palace, turn right and go straight. The building is hard to miss. 

More details about Kaiserliche Wagenburg Wien can be found in their website.

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